Custom templates for Azure IoT Edge modules

I’ve been working on a few Azure IoT Edge projects in the last 2 years. During that period, I always felt that the IoT Edge module projects that are scaffolded by the standard project template are very simplistic.

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How to install and use an Azure Connected Registry

In 2021, Microsoft released a feature of Azure Container Registry called ‘connected registry’ in public preview. A connected registry allows you to install a container registry on-prem which synchronizes or mirrors with an Azure Container Registry in the cloud. This allows you to have your container images nearby, which is beneficial in scenario’s where you have an occasional or limited connection with the cloud. At the moment that you want to pull a container image, the image doesn’t need to be pulled from Azure, but is already present closer to where you need it.

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Accessing private Blob containers from Synapse

Querying data in an Azure Data Lake is quite easy with Azure Synapse as explained here. However, when the data that is stored in your Data Lake is not publicly available to everybody (in most cases, you don’t want to have your data exposed to anonymous users), there are some things that you need to consider. In this blog, I’ll try to go over those specificalities.

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Querying a Data Lake using Azure Synapse

When we want to collect and analyze device-telemetry information, we typically look at solutions like Azure Timeseries Insights, Azure Data Explorer, InfluxDb, … But, what if you actually do not need all the functionality that those services provide ? What if you just want to be able to query the telemetry data and visualize that data in a PowerBI report ? Aren’t there any cheaper alternatives to achieve this ? It turns out, Azure Synapse make this possible using serverless SQL pools.

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Retrieve data from a SQL database in Azure Data Explorer

Azure Data Explorer is a great and powerful platform for when you are working with timeseries data such as sensor measurements and logs. Yet it is not designed to store relational data or act as an OLTP database. However, there can be situations where you want to combine relational data with the timeseries data that is stored in Azure Data Explorer. This post briefly explains how this can be done.

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